
Showing posts from September, 2020

'That's Why' use in English Grammar | 'That's why' in English Sentences for practice.

That's Why: How to use in English sentences? How to use "That's why" in English grammar ? "That's why" ని ఎలా ఉపయోగించాలి? Example sentences for "that's why" in English. కొన్ని ఉదాహరణల ద్వారా ఇక్కడ నేర్చుకోవచ్చు. What is the meaning of "that's why" and how to make sentences? Let's discuss hear. You can watch the video for a clear and beautiful explanation of "That's why" with many example sentences. Learn English grammar without any confusion. Learning a global language English gives us confidence and more information from the world. That's what: ఏదైనా ఒక పని ఎందుకు చేశామో తెలియజేయునపుడు, ఉదాహరణకు. నాకు ఉద్యోగం అవసరం అందుకే నేను English నేర్చుకుంటున్నాను. ఇలా "అందుకే" అనే సందర్బంలో మనం "That's why" ని ఉపయోగిస్తాము. ఈ క్రింది ఉదాహరణలను గమనించండి. Obser the image: అందుకేనాకు ఆమె రోజూ వస్తుంది అందుకే మీరు  పంపారు. అందుకే నేను చేయాలనుకుంటున్నాను. అందుకే అతను మిమ్మల్ని ఆశ్రయించాడు అంద...

Bohr's Atomic Model, Bohr's - Sommerfeld Atomic Model, Quantum Mechanical Model | Structure of Atom Class 10 | Part 3

Bohr's Atomic Model, Bohr's - Sommerfeld Atomic Model, Quantum Mechanical Model | Structure of Atom Class 10 | Part 3 You can watch the video before going to read the article about Bohr's atomic model, Bohr-Sommerfeld atomic model, Quantum mechanical modal.   What the main postulates of the Bohr's atomic Model of a Hydrogen atom? Main Postulates of Bohr's Model of a Hydrogen Atom: The following are the main postulates of the Neils Bohr's Atomic model of a Hydrogen atom, Electrons in an atom occupy stationary orbits (energy levels) of fixed energy at different distances from the center called the nucleus. When an electron jumps from a lower energy state to a higher energy state, it absorbs energy and emits energy when such a jump occurs from a higher energy level (state) to lower energy level (state). The energy of an electron in an atom can have only certain values E1, E2, E3,... i.e. the energy is quantized. The states corresponding to these energies are called...

"Are you used to" in Basic English grammar | Learn English grammar online

Learn English grammar without any confusion. Learning a global language English gives us confidence and more information from the world.

Force | What is force? | What are the types of force? | 8th Physics | NCERT SYLLABUS

Force : What is Force?  A push or pull is called a force.  Examples: Riding bicycle  Pulling Rickshaw  Rowing boat etc. Watch the video and then answer the Home Task: Home Task: 1. Give three more examples where we keep our effort related to the Push. 2. Give three more examples where we keep our effort related to Pull. 3.Give three more activities that involve both push and pull. Write the answers in the comment section.

"That's what" Use in English | How to use "That's what" in English Grammar?

That's what: How to use "That's what" in English? ఎలా ఉపయోగించాలి? "That's what" అంటే ఏమిటి? How to use "That's what" in English grammar? 30 example sentences of "That's what" in తెలుగు Telugu and English.  Learn English grammar without any confusion. Learning a global language English gives us confidence and more information from the world. Image 1 Image 2 That's what I like. That's what she said. That's what makes your beauty. Image 3 That's what real love is. That's what I really wanna do. That's what he is composing. Image 4 That's what she likes. That's what you send to me. That's what I am saying. Image 5 That's what he was saying at that time. That's what I am trying to convince. That's what I want to say. Image 6 That wants you are not getting. That's what he likes to say. That's what I wanted to tell you. Image 7 That wants us were thinking on that day. That...

Structure of Atom Class 10th | What is Electromagnetic Spectrum? | Physics class 10

Structure of atom : Electromagnetic spectrum What are the electromagnetic spectrum and its characteristics? Which color has more energy and which color has low energy in the visible spectrum? Visible spectrum VIBGYOR . Red color has a high wavelength and violet has a lower wavelength. Watch the video completely for detailed information about the structure of the atom and the characteristics of the electromagnetic spectrum . You will see the basic information in the video. Home Task: Answer the following questions. Write the answers in the comment section. Which color has high energy and is low in the visible spectrum? What is the significance of line spectra? What is the significance of the plank's proposal and write the value of plank's constant? Write the colors produced by Cupric Chloride, Strontium Chloride, and Sodium Chloride? Define the Zeman effect and stark effect. Structure of atom class1 0 - part 1 Learn English grammar without any confusion. Learning a global la...

Past Modals: Use Should have + V3, Must have +V3, Might have +V3 in English | Learn English Grammar Online

How to use Past modals: Should have + V3, Must have +V3, Might have +V3 in English? Should have- Must Have, Might have: How to use past modals should have, must-have, and might have + Past participle (V3) in English grammar. Learn English grammar online without any confusion. Learning a global language English gives us confidence and more information from the world. Find ChrishEduTech for simple and highly useful English grammar and spoken English material. Should, must, and might are the modal verbs Should have: Should have + (V3) past participle Examples: I should have written this article beforehand. You should have gone there. They should have come here early. He should have completed the work early. Ravi should have learned English grammar. Must have: Should have + (V3) past participle Examples: I must have written this article beforehand. You must have gone there. They must have come here early. He must have completed the work early. Ravi must have learned English grammar. Migh...

Passive English Grammar Sentences - Simple present Tense | Learn English grammar online | ChrishEduTech

Passive English Grammar: Learn English Grammar Online What is passive English grammar? We know that active and passive voice , when there is subject and object it is very easy to convert from active voice to passive voice. But what about the sentences with no subject? Let's see Learn English grammar without any confusion. Learning a global language English gives us confidence and more information from the world. English Sentences Only in Passive Voice: When there is no subject ( doer of the action) in sentences, Those sentences in English grammar should be written in a passive voice. For example: "English papers are published." In this sentence who published English papers? No exact person published the papers, but what happened is mentioned clearly. Let's observe some more example sentences . Simple Present Tense: Structure: Subject + is + V3 + Extra words. Examples: Milk is sold here. Job work is done here. Marriages are made in heaven. Wheat is grown in Punjab....

Structure of Atom | What is the spectrum? | N C E R T 10 Standard | ChrishEduTech

Structure of Atom: 10th Physics Sub-atomic particle: Electron Proton  Neutron Fundamental Atomic models: J.J Thomson Earnest Rutherford Neils Bohr What is Spectrum? Spectrum: A series of coloured bands separated and arranger in an order of their respective wavelengths. (or) A spectrum is a group of wavelengths. Example: Visible Spectrum (VIBGYOR) VIBGYOR V - Violet, I- Indigo, B- Blue, G - Green, Y - Yellow, O - Orange, R - Red Intensity: The amount of force or energy of heat, light, sound etc. Visible Spectrum: The range of wavelengths covering red colour to violet colour is called the visible spectrum. Red colour       -  High wavelength,    Low frequency Violet Colour   -  Low Wavelength,    High frequency Wave:  A regularly repeated disturbance or displacement in a medium like air, water. Wave nature of light: Electromagnetic waves are produced when an electric charge vibrates (moves back and forth). for example, Visible li...

How To Use "AS IF" in English Grammar? | AS IF in English Sentences | Chrishedutech

How to use AS IF in English Grammar? As if: acting as someone We use this phrase "As if" when we want to describe someone acting like somebody else. Observe the following sentences. Example sentences: if he is a hero she is a CM if he is a PM if he is my boss he is rowdy if they are foreigners if they didn't know if she knew everything if he didn't know anything if they are soldiers Learn English grammar without any confusion. Learning a global language English gives us confidence and more information from the world. Let me explain the complete example sentence. He poses as if he is a hero. She orders as she is a CM. He poses as if he is a PM. He orders me as if he is my boss. He behaves as he is rowdy. He speaks as if they are foreigners. They pretend as if they didn't know anything. She speaks as if she knew everything. He pretends as if he didn't know anything. They act as if they are soldiers.

Do, Does, Did, Doing, Done in English Grammar | How To Use "Do, Does, Did, Done, Doing in English Sentences?

How To Use Do, Does, Did, Done, and Doing in English grammar? Do forms in English: Do (V1) - Did (V2) - Done (V3) - Doing (V4) Do: V1 (Verb Root Form) = Do (for First-person Singular and plural, second, third person plurals)                                    = Does (Only for third-person singular) In Simple Present Tense we use this as H.V (Helping Verb) as well as M.V (Main Verb) Observe the following sentences. Structure: Subject + do + Object

Why do we think positively always? How do we think positively always? Think positively

Think Positive always: Thinking positively gives outstanding strength and energy to fulfilling our goal. How do people think when they discouraged by others? What are the outcomes of that? Let me share my feelings about this. How do we think positively? Nothing is outlandish in this world in the event that you resolved to do it. One thing that consistently occurs in everybody's life is that individuals giggle while experimenting. Try not to make a big deal about that since you that what you're doing and what you will get. This is the mystery of progress. I have done numerous things, each time I confronted a great deal of demoralization and debased remarks however I never trouble. Time isn't the equivalent consistently. Everybody should stream alongside time however we need to make another way for progress. Try not to feel that everything has occurred, finished, nothing is there, all the entryways are shut - these are on the whole only one of the hindrances throughout everyd...

"IF" OPEN CONDITION in English Grammar | Learn English Online | CHRISHEDUTECH

Learn how to use 'IF' Condition Open condition in English grammar with తెలుగు explanation. You can watch here a narrated video for better understanding. Learn English grammar without any confusion. Learning a global language English gives us confidence and more information from the world.  

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