Bohr's Atomic Model, Bohr's - Sommerfeld Atomic Model, Quantum Mechanical Model | Structure of Atom Class 10 | Part 3

Bohr's Atomic Model, Bohr's - Sommerfeld Atomic Model, Quantum Mechanical Model | Structure of Atom Class 10 | Part 3

You can watch the video before going to read the article about Bohr's atomic model, Bohr-Sommerfeld atomic model, Quantum mechanical modal.

What the main postulates of the Bohr's atomic Model of a Hydrogen atom?

Main Postulates of Bohr's Model of a Hydrogen Atom:

The following are the main postulates of the Neils Bohr's Atomic model of a Hydrogen atom,

  1. Electrons in an atom occupy stationary orbits (energy levels) of fixed energy at different distances from the center called the nucleus.
  2. When an electron jumps from a lower energy state to a higher energy state, it absorbs energy and emits energy when such a jump occurs from a higher energy level (state) to lower energy level (state).
  3. The energy of an electron in an atom can have only certain values E1, E2, E3,... i.e. the energy is quantized. The states corresponding to these energies are called stationary states and the possible values of the energy are called energy levels.

What are the limitations of Bohr's Atomic Model?

  1. Bohr's model failed to account for the splitting of line spectra.
  2. This model failed to account for the atomic spectra of atoms of more than one electron.

Home Task:

  1. What happens when an electron gains energy?
  2. What are the limitations of Bohr's atomic model?
  3. What are the fine spectra?
  4. Who proposed the quantum mechanical model?
  5. What is an orbital?
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  1. 1.The electron moves to a higher energy level that is,the excited state.
    2.Bohrs model failed to account for splitting of line spectra.This model failed to account for the atomic spectra of atoms of more than one electron.
    3.splitting of line spectra known as fine spectra.
    4 Quantum mechanical model was proposed by Erwin schrodinger.
    5.The region of space around the nucleus where the probability of finding the electron maximum is called an orbital.

    M.vidya lakshmi

    1. Very good Vidya Lakshmi. I encourage your dedication to do the task.

  2. D.S.Sowmya
    1.when an eletron gains energy it jumps to excited state from ground state.
    2.Bohr's atomic model failed to account for the splitting of line spectra.
    This model failed to account for the atomic spectra of atoms of more than one electron.
    3.Splitting of line spectra is known as fine spectra.
    4.Erwin Schrodinger.
    5.The region of space around the nucleus where the probability of finding the electron is maximum is called an orbital.

    1. Very good D S Sowmya. I encourage your dedication to do the task.

  3. 1) The electron moves to a higher energy levels that is, the excited state.
    2)Bohr's atomic model failed to account for the splitting of line spectra.
    This model failed to account for the atomic spectra of atoms of more than one electron.
    3) Splitting of line spectra is known as fine spectra.
    4) "Erwin Schrodinger" proposed the quantum mechanical model.
    5) The region of space around the nucleus where the probability of finding the electron is maximum is called an orbital.

    1. Very good Iswar Gopi Srinivas. I encourage your dedication to do the task.

  4. What happend when electron gains energy

  5. 1. When electron gains energy they will jump from one shell to another shell. That means they will jump lower energy to higher energy. 2. Bohr's atomic model failed to account for the splitting of line Spectra. This model failed to account for the atom Spectra of more than one electron. 3. Splitting of line Spectra is known as fine Spectra 4.Erwim Schroedinger was proposed the quantum mechanical model of an atom. 5 . The region of space around the nucleus where the probability of finding the electron is maximum is called an orbital

    1. Very good my dear Chandra Shekhar. Continue to work hard
      . I appreciate your hard work.

  6. 1.The electron moves to a higher energy levels that is, excited state.
    2.Bohr's atomic model failed to account for the splitting of line spectra.
    This model failed to account atomic spectra of atoms of more than one electron.
    3.splitting of line spectra is known as fine spectra.
    4.Erwin schrodinger
    5.The region of space around the nucleus where the probability of finding the electron is maximum is called an orbital.


  7. 1) The electron moves to a higher energy levels that is, the excited state.
    2)Bohr's atomic model failed to account for the splitting of line spectra.
    This model failed to account for the atomic spectra of atoms of more than one electron.
    3) Splitting of line spectra is known as fine spectra.
    4) "Erwin Schrodinger" proposed the quantum mechanical model.
    5) The region of space around the nucleus where the probability of finding the electron is maximum is called an orbital.

    1. Very good Manoj, Keep doing the same. I really appreciate your hard work.

  8. 1. electron jumps from ground state to excited state.
    2.Bohrs model failed to account for spilitting of line spectra.
    3.splitting of line spectra is called fine spectra.
    4.erwin schrodinger.
    5.The region of space around the nucleus where the probability of finding the electron is maximum is called an orbital

    1.Electron jumps from ground state to excited State.
    2.Bohrs modle failed to account for splitting of line spectra.
    3.spilitting of line spectra is called fine spectra.
    4.Erwin Schrodinger.
    5.the region of space around the nucleus where the probability of finding the electron is maximum is called an orbital.


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