Structure of Atom | What is the spectrum? | N C E R T 10 Standard | ChrishEduTech

Structure of Atom: 10th Physics

Sub-atomic particle:

  1. Electron
  2. Proton 
  3. Neutron

Fundamental Atomic models:

  1. J.J Thomson
  2. Earnest Rutherford
  3. Neils Bohr

What is Spectrum?


A series of coloured bands separated and arranger in an order of their respective wavelengths. (or) A spectrum is a group of wavelengths.
Example: Visible Spectrum (VIBGYOR)


V - Violet, I- Indigo, B- Blue, G - Green, Y - Yellow, O - Orange, R - Red


The amount of force or energy of heat, light, sound etc.

Visible Spectrum:

The range of wavelengths covering red colour to violet colour is called the visible spectrum.
Red colour      -  High wavelength,    Low frequency
Violet Colour  -  Low Wavelength,    High frequency


A regularly repeated disturbance or displacement in a medium like air, water.

Wave nature of light:

Electromagnetic waves are produced when an electric charge vibrates (moves back and forth).
for example, Visible light
Visible light is an electromagnetic wave and the speed of light (c) is 3 x108 m.s-

What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

Electromagnetic spectrum:

The entire range of electromagnetic wave frequencies is known as the electromagnetic spectrum.
The entire range of electromagnetic wave wavelengths is also known as the electromagnetic spectrum.

Characteristics of an electromagnetic wave:

The electromagnetic wave can be characterised by its wavelength and frequency.


The wavelength of a wave is the distance from one wave peak to the next.
The distance between any two consecutive wave peaks is called the wavelength.


The frequency (v) of a wave is the number of wave peaks that pass by a given point per unit time.

Home Task:

Read the following questions. You can write the answers in the comment section along with your name.
  1. What are the three subatomic particles?
  2. What is the speed of light in Vaccum?
  3. Define the electromagnetic spectrum.
  4. What is the visible spectrum?
  5. Give the relation between wavelength and frequency.


  1. 1.proton, neutron, eletron.
    2.The speed of light in vaccum is 3×10 m s-1.
    3.The entire range of electromagnetic wave frequencies is known as electromagnetic spectrum.
    4.The range of wavelengths covering red colour to violet colour is visible spectrum.
    5.Lamda is inversely proportional to nu then c= nu × lamda

    1. Very good answers, I appreciate your sincerity, obedience and hard working nature. @christopher sir

  2. 1.proton, neutron, eletron.
    2.The speed of light in vaccum is 3×10 m s-1.
    3.The entire range of electromagnetic wave frequencies is known as electromagnetic spectrum.
    4.The range of wavelengths covering red colour to violet colour is visible spectrum.
    5.Lamda is inversely proportional to nu then c= nu × lamda

    1. Very good Iswar Gopi Srinivas. Keep up your good work.

  3. 1.proton, neutron, eletron.
    2.The speed of light in vaccum is 3×10 m s-1.
    3.The entire range of electromagnetic wave frequencies is known as electromagnetic spectrum.
    4.The range of wavelengths covering red colour to violet colour is visible spectrum.
    5.Lamda is inversely proportional to nu then c= nu × lamda

  4. 1.proton, electron, neutron
    2.3×10 m s-1.
    3.The entire range of electromagnetic wave and frequency is called electromagnetic spectrum.
    4.the wave length covering from red colour to violet colour is called visible
    5.the relationship between wave length and frequency
    C=frequency×wave lenght.


  5. 1.electron

    2.the speed of light in vaccum is 3×10 m s-1.

    3.the entire range of the electromagnetic wave frequencies is known as electromagnetic spectrum.

    4.the range of wavelengths covering the red colour to violet colour is visible spectrum.

    5.Lamda is inversely proportional to nu then c=nu×lamda.


  6. 1.Proton, electron and neutron
    2.The speed of light in vacuum is constant (c)
    3.The range of wave length or frequencies over which electro magnetic radiation extends
    4.The electro magnetic spectrum that is visible to human eye
    5.Lamda is inversely propotional to number then c=nu×Lamda

  7. 1.proton, electron, neutron
    2.The speed of light in vacuum is 3×10 m-s1
    3.The range of electromagnetic wave and frequency is called electromagnetic spectrum
    4.The range of wave lengths covering red and violet is called visible spectrum
    5.lamda is inversely proportional to nu then c=nu×lamda

  8. 1.electron,proton,neutron.
    2.The speed of light in vaccum 3✖10ms-1
    3.The entire range of electromagnetic wave frequencies is known as electromagnetic spectrum.
    4.The range of wavelengths covering visible red colour to violet colour is visible spectrum.
    5.lamda is inversely proportional to nu then c=nu✖lamda


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