How To Use "AS IF" in English Grammar? | AS IF in English Sentences | Chrishedutech

How to use AS IF in English Grammar?

As if: acting as someone

We use this phrase "As if" when we want to describe someone acting like somebody else.
Observe the following sentences.
Example sentences:
  1. if he is a hero
  2. she is a CM
  3. if he is a PM
  4. if he is my boss
  5. he is rowdy
  6. if they are foreigners
  7. if they didn't know
  8. if she knew everything
  9. if he didn't know anything
  10. if they are soldiers
Learn English grammar without any confusion. Learning a global language English gives us confidence and more information from the world.
Let me explain the complete example sentence.
  1. He poses as if he is a hero.
  2. She orders as she is a CM.
  3. He poses as if he is a PM.
  4. He orders me as if he is my boss.
  5. He behaves as he is rowdy.
  6. He speaks as if they are foreigners.
  7. They pretend as if they didn't know anything.
  8. She speaks as if she knew everything.
  9. He pretends as if he didn't know anything.
  10. They act as if they are soldiers.


  1. 1.proton , eletron,neutron
    2.The speed of light in vaccum is 3×10m s-1
    3.The entire range of electromagnetic wave frequencies is known as electromagnetic spectrum .
    4.The range of wavelengths covering red colour to violet colour is visible spectrum.
    5lamda is inversely proportional to nu then (c=lamda ×nu)


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