Passive English Grammar Sentences - Simple present Tense | Learn English grammar online | ChrishEduTech

Passive English Grammar: Learn English Grammar Online

What is passive English grammar? We know that active and passive voice, when there is subject and object it is very easy to convert from active voice to passive voice. But what about the sentences with no subject? Let's see
Learn English grammar without any confusion. Learning a global language English gives us confidence and more information from the world.

English Sentences Only in Passive Voice:

When there is no subject ( doer of the action) in sentences, Those sentences in English grammar should be written in a passive voice. For example: "English papers are published." In this sentence who published English papers? No exact person published the papers, but what happened is mentioned clearly. Let's observe some more example sentences.

Simple Present Tense:

Structure: Subject + is + V3 + Extra words.


  1. Milk is sold here.
  2. Job work is done here.
  3. Marriages are made in heaven.
  4. Wheat is grown in Punjab.
  5. Rice is grown in AP
  6. Mobiles are repaired here.
  7. I am taken.
  8. Applications are invited.
  9. He is given.
  10. Admissions are opened.
  11. Online classes are started.
  12. The business is closed.
  13. Birds are flown.
  14. Honest people are arrested.
  15. Leaders are kept in jail.
  16. Innocent people are killed.
  17. Parents are puzzled.
  18. English, Physics is taught here.
  19. English is spoken there.
  20. Hindi is spoken most of the regions in India.
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