Principles of Metallurgy X-Chemistry|Important Questions 1 mark for publ...

1 Mark
1. Give any two examples of ores with
their formula’s.
A. Cinnabar – HgS
Horn silver - AgCl
2. Define metallurgy.
A. Metallurgy is the process of
extraction of metals from their ores and preparation of alloys.
3. What is corrosion?
A. Process of slowly coated with oxides
(or) other salts of the metal and forms thin layers.
4. Why is carbon not used for reducing aluminium from
A. The oxide of aluminium is
very stable and can be reduced by electrolytic process.
5. Mention two methods which produce very
pure metals?
A. Electrolytic reduction, smelting are
two methods which produce very pure metals.
6. Name two metals other than aluminium
which are obtained by electrolytic reduction?
A. Sodium and Magnesium.
7. What is poling?
A. The method of removing impurities
either for gases (or) liquids get them oxidized and form slag over surface of
metal is called poling.
8. What is thermite process?
A. The exothermic reaction in which
highly reactive metals displaces low reactive metals is used in thermite
9. Write the formula’s of Gypsum, plaster
A. Gypsum: CaSO4. 2H2O, Plaster of Paris
: CaSO4.½H2O
10. What is calcination?
A. Calcination is a pyrochemical process
in which the ore is heated in the absence of air.
11. What is froth flotation?
A. The impurities of the ore is wetted by
producing froth in water is called froth flotation.
12. Write the names of any two ores of
A. Hematite: Fe2O3 Magnetite : Fe3O4
2 Marks
1. Show that both air and water are
for corrosion of Iron?
2. Where do we use hand picking and
washing methods in our daily life? Give examples?
3. Write a note on dressing of ore in
4. How do you extract the metals at the
of the activities series?
6. What is difference between blast
and reverberatory furnace?
7. Write short notes on froth floating
8. Write any 4 examples of ores of sulphides?
4 Marks
1. Write the short notes on each of the
(a) Distillation (b) Poling
(c) Liquation
(d) Electrolysis.
2. Suggest an experiment to prove that
presence of air and water are essential
corrosion. Explain the procedure.
3. Write a note on dressing of ore in
4. What is thermite process? Mention its
application in daily life


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