Daily Use English Sentences | Teachers | Students | Children | Others

Daly uses English sentences for different groups of people like Teachers, students, children, and all others. This list of English sentences is very useful for your daily conversation.

1. Good morning!
2. Good afternoon!
3. Good evening!
4. Have a nice day.
5. How are you?
6. I am fine, thank you.
7. Come here.
8. Sit with me.
9. I will help you.
10. Ask me anything.
11. Do you know?
12. What are you talking about?
13. Let me explain clearly.
14. How can I help you?
15. Can you read aloud this letter to me?
16. Make arrangements for the event.
17. Go and collect the things.
18. Why don't you go? 
19. Children! listen to me.
20. Excuse me!
21. Give me a glass of water.
22. Never underestimate anyone.
23. Try to avoid bad habits.
24. Don't purchase unnecessarily.
25. Let me say.
26. Think before you go.
27. Surrender yourself.
28. Come again.
29. Call me later.
30. Does he come on time?
31. Say something new.
32. Don't repeat it.
33. You cheated me.
34. I will close it.
35. You enjoy with them.
36. Manage yourself.
37. Open to maths text page number 21.
38. Ask him to read.
39. Can anyone solve this problem?
40. Well done! Keep up the good work.
41. Don't feel shy.
42. Come and join.
43. Take your seat.
44. Slow and study wins the race.
45. It's very easy to understand.
46. I don't understand.
47. I feel bad about him.
48. Don't lose your control.
49. Tell me.
50. Let's wrap up this event.
Learn English grammar without any confusion. Learning a global language English gives us confidence and more information about the world.


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