"ON THE BASIS OF" దాని ఆధారంగా.. USE IN ENGLISH GRAMMAR | Learn English Grammar Online

ON THE BASIS OF ఆదారంగా...

according to.., based on..,
"On the basis of" means? How to use "On the basis of" in English grammar. On the basis of example sentences in English. 
Learn English grammar without any confusion. Learning a global language English gives us confidence and more information from the world.

Example Sentences:

  1. On the basis of the merit, students were selected.
  2. Students were selected on the basis of merit.
  3. The leader will be elected on the basis of votes.
  4. The final judgement will be delivered on the basis of the evidence.
  5. He is elected on the basis of the voting system.
  6. They were chosen on the basis of their qualification.
  7. I decide on the basis of the information I had.
  8. People made a decision based on the information they had.


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