Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers

Knowledge is Power by Chrish EduTech
Ordinal And Cardinal Numbers
What is Cardinal numbers?
Numbers which we use regular basis are called cardinal numbers like One Two Three and so on ...
Watch this video to understand how to write it's names.

One 1
Two 2
Three 3
Four 4
Five 5
Six 6
Seven 7
Eight 8
Nine 9
Eleven 11
Twelve 12
Thirteen 13
Fourteen 14
Fifteen 15
Sixteen 16
Seventeen 17
Eighteen 18
Nineteen 19
Twenty 20
Twenty one 21
Twenty two 22
Thirty 30
Forty 40
Fifty 50
Sixty 60
Seventy 70
Eighty 80
Ninety 90
Hundred 100
What is Ordinal Numbers?
Numbers which we are using to represent first second third fourth fifth. .....

Numbers like Fist Second Third and fourth how write in wordsentences and what are the different uses of ordinal numbers. Let's discuss here.
మొదటి 1st First 
రెండవ 2nd Second 
మూడవ 3rd Third 
నాల్గవ 4th Fourth 
ఐదవ 5th  Fifth
ఆరవ 6th Sixth
ఏడవ 7th Seventh
ఎనిమిదవ 8th Eighth 
తొమ్మిదవ 9th Ninth 
పదవ 10th Tenth 
పదకొండవ 11th Eleventh 
పన్నెండవ 12th Twelfth 
పదమూడు 13th Thirteenth 
పద్నాల్గవ 14th Fourteenth 
పదిహేనవ 15th Fifteenth 
పదహారవ 16th Sixteenth 
పదిహేడవ 17th Seventeenth 
పద్దెనిమిదవ 18th Eighteenth 
పంతొమ్మిదవ 19th Ninteenth 
ఇరవైవ 20th Twentieth 
ఇరవై ఒకటవ 21st Twenty -first 
ఇరవై రెండవ 22nd Twenty -second 
ఇరవై మూడవ 23rd Twenty -third 
ఇరవై నాలుగవ 24th Twenty -fourth 
ముప్పైవ 30th Thirtieth 
ముప్పై ఒకటవ  31st Thirty -first 
ముప్పై రెండవ  32nd Thirty -second 
ముప్పై మూడవ 33rd Thirty -third 
ముప్పై నాల్గవ 34th Thirty -fourth 
నలభైవ  40th Fortieth
యాభైవ 50th Fiftieth 
అరవైవ 60th Sixtieth 
డెబ్భైవ 70th Seventieth 
ఎనభైవ 80th Eightieth 
తొంభైవ 90th Nintieth 
వందవ 100th Hundredth


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