Has to, Have to, Had to

Knowledge is Power by Chrish EduTech
this is the best video to understand clearly about have and have to.

Has to, Have to, Had to 

'Has to' and 'Have to' can be use for the actions that need to be completed.
These can be used in present.

For third person singulars like He, She,  It 'Has to' can be use.

For example:
  1. He has to learn English.
  2. She has to bring vegetables.
  3. It has to repair for better performance.
Remaining subjects like I, You, We, They and all plural subjects can use 'Have to'

For example:

  1. I have to learn English.
  2. You have to speak English.
  3. They have to learn good English.
  4. We have to speak English.
  5. Hanish and Manish have to learn good communication skills.
'Had to' can be used to talk about past actions.

For example:

  1. I had to learn English.
  2. You had to learn English.
  3. We had to learn English.
  4. He had to learn English.
  5. She had to learn English.
  6. They had to learn English.
If you observe the above sentences for all the subjects "Had to" only used.


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