Learning English is a key to success. If you know One language your source is limited but if you know an universal language you can have plenty of sources for knowledge. So, Make an effort to learn new language that helps you to grow in your life.

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What are the cases in English?

Case refers to the relation that one word has to another in a sentence, i.e. where one word ‘falls’ in relationship to another. The word comes from a Latin word meaning ‘falling, fall.’

Modern English has three cases:

1. Nominative Case (subjective)

2. Accusative Case (objective)

3. Genitive Case (possessive)

Nominative/Subjective Case
The king laughed heartily.
రాజు హృదయపూర్వకంగా నవ్వాడు.
The king is the son of Humayun of India.
రాజు భారతదేశానికి చెందిన హుమాయున్ కుమారుడు.

Accusative/Objective Case

The king subdued his enemies.

రాజు తన శత్రువులను లొంగదీసుకున్నాడు.

The friends went to a movie.
స్నేహితులు ఒక సినిమాకు వెళ్లారు.

Sailaja wrote Chandni a letter.
సైలాజా చాందినికి ఒక లేఖ రాశారు.

Genitive/Possessive Case

The boy’s book is missed.
బాలుడి పుస్తకం తప్పిపోయింది.
The boys’ books are missed.
అబ్బాయిల పుస్తకాలు తప్పిపోయాయి.
Pronouns in the subjective case: I, he, she, we, they, who
Pronouns in the objective case: me, him, her, us, them, whom

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